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My Hindsight on 2020

2020 is one year everybody would like to forget. Our world has changed to a degree nobody thought possible, with the future of America still up in the air. Seriously. Who'da thought? Between Covid, riots, fires, bombings, earthquakes, and a flood, this year has been one for the books, and then some.

Wait, what flood, you ask? Well, our personal "rat flood," of course. Yes, you read that right. A rat flood—a flood caused by a rat who chewed through the dishwasher line. A rat flood that caused our family to catapult into six months (and counting) of forced renovation. A rat flood that had us living in a hotel for the whole month of October. A rat flood that threw us into completely re-doing the inside (and outside) of our home because, well, it needed to be done anyway. But bless that rat, we have all new flooring in our house and a new kitchen, so I'm quite thankful, I am. But still, this has sucked so much life and time from our family with having to design a new kitchen, throw everything into boxes, have constant construction workers here, etc. It has been quite a year. (A blog post with pics showing our new reno is in the works).

Besides all of this, though, 2020 has definitely produced much division within our country, our churches, our communities, in relationships—both family and friends, and seems to promise a sad continuation of this into the new year. Why? Well, I believe there are so many people living under a veil of disinformation with fake news clouding their vision, which then aids in poor decision-making and fear-mongering. Never has this country seen more people willing to obey those in authority (whom we have elected...working for us) who claim their mandates are equal to Constitutional laws without questioning the motivation and considering the consequences. Mind-blowing! But I digress...

At this point, I just have to say that I am so very thankful for some dear, dear friendships God has given me. We are constantly challenging each other to think properly about things through the lens of a biblical worldview, and we discuss numerous current events and troubling issues at any time of day or night, encouraging each other to be strong and confident in our faith in Christ. Every Saturday we meet for a sort of "round table discussion," before our home church starts. I've been so very blessed to be a part of a tight group of life-long friends who spur each other on while living through craziness. So thankful!

But where does our faith come into play? How does our faith give us the confidence we need to move forward after such a difficult year?

Every night as I put our young son Jeremy down, I recite Psalm 91 to him. This brings both of us comfort, reminding us that though the world is scary, we can "abide under the shadow of the Almighty." There's no safer place to be.

And in a world where many people live without hope, seeking truth where there's none, we are encouraged to dig deep into Scripture, as this is our only source of truth. God's Word is truth. Why wouldn't we learn and study that which brings comfort, encouragement, hope, and much peace? With the promise of more unrest spilling into 2021, my source of confidence is in Jesus Christ my Savior, and in His Word, the Bible. (Check out my Bible reading plan here:

When 2021 promises to continue in the madness of 2020, take heart. The Almighty God, creator of everything, is in control. We can trust Him with our future (Psalm 32:8, Proverbs 23:17-18). We don't need to be afraid (Psalm 56:3-4). He promises peace (John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7, Isaiah 26:3). He hears us when we pray (Psalm 4:3). We are safe when we run to Him (Proverbs 18:10). He will strengthen and uphold us (Isaiah 41:10). He will be with us in dark times (Isaiah 43:1-3, Psalm 91:15), even the dark times promised in our new year.

If you don't know who Jesus Christ is, please learn about what He did for you here:

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